SMS Parent Council
Parent Council Welcome Letter 2023-2024
The SMS Parent Council welcomes you to the new school year! We work with administration and teachers to help support activities and provide the school with fun, educational, and exciting events for students and staff throughout the year. If you are interested in being involved and helping in any way, please reach out to us. We meet once a month (typically the second Tuesday) and encourage you to join us. Our first meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 10, at 6:00pm in the SMS library.
Last year we worked hard to get back on track, and with your support, we were able to hold many successful fundraisers and events. Parent Council sponsors a variety of fundraisers which are sent home with your student throughout the year - the first one is on its way! Don’t feel like you have to participate in every fundraiser, pick the ones you are interested in. Any involvement will help, and the Parent Council thanks you in advance!
If you prefer, you may choose to make a direct donation to SMS Parent Council to contribute to programs and events. We also have the ongoing Box Top program which earns our school money just by using your shopping receipts.
We encourage you to follow our Facebook page (Seymour Middle School Parent Council) where we will post helpful news and updates. We also include information in Mr. O’Rourke’s weekly newsletter "The Paw Print". Please reach out with any questions.
Wishing all students and families a successful and fun school year!
Your Parent Council Representatives,
Kim Farmer, President
Jenn Ferreira, Vice President
Tracy Landolfi, Treasurer
Jen Turbeville, Secretary